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Advancements in Thermoplastic AFP for Large Aerospace Structures

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

The aerospace manufacturing landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the advent and integration of advanced technologies. At the forefront of this evolution is Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), a groundbreaking technique that is reshaping the way aerospace components are fabricated. This blog delves into the increasing use of large thermoplastic structures in aerospace, a trend fueled by the benefits these materials offer in terms of strength, weight, and sustainability. Through exploring the manufacturing challenges, innovative AFP techniques, and real-world applications, we will shed light on how these advancements are paving the way for a more efficient, sustainable, and technologically adept future in aerospace manufacturing.

The Rise of Large Thermoplastic Structures in Aerospace

The aerospace industry is increasingly embracing large thermoplastic structures, driven by their unique properties and the evolving needs of modern aerospace design.

A. Growing Trend of Thermoplastic Usage in Aerospace

Thermoplastic composites are being increasingly utilized in the aerospace industry, replacing various metallic and thermoset composite parts​​. This shift is attributed to the high-performance capabilities of thermoplastic resins, including polyetheretherketone (PEEK), polyetherketoneketone, polyaryletherketone, polyetherimide, and polyphenylene sulfide, which are commonly reinforced with carbon fibers, constituting around 50-60% by volume​​.

B. Benefits of Thermoplastic Composites

  1. Higher Impact Resistance and Unique Processing Capabilities: Thermoplastic composites are known for their superior impact resistance and diverse processing possibilities, making them ideal for aerospace applications​​.

  2. Lightweight and Strong: The aerospace sector benefits immensely from the lightweight yet strong nature of these materials. For instance, Daher's use of Thermoplastic Composites (TPC) for a large air intake bulkhead for the Rolls Royce Ultra Fan engine demonstrates their practical application in creating large, complex structures​​.

  3. Environmental Advantages: TPCs contribute to solving the aerospace industry's environmental and competitiveness challenges. They offer sustainability improvements, including lower emissions, a fully recyclable product, and reduced landfill output​​​​.

  4. Manufacturing Efficiency: Thermoplastic composites can reduce the manufacturing cycle time by as much as 80% compared to traditional materials. This efficiency is a crucial factor in their growing popularity in the aerospace industry​​.

  5. Weight Reduction: Compared to metallic solutions, thermoplastic structures can decrease the weight of aerospace structures by up to 50%, and by 20% when compared to thermoset solutions. This weight reduction is essential for enhancing fuel efficiency and overall performance​​.

C. Implications for Future Aerospace Designs

The integration of fiber-reinforced thermoplastics (FRT), which consist of a thermoplastic matrix reinforced with carbon or glass fibers, is becoming a cornerstone in the manufacturing of larger composite structures​​. As aerospace manufacturers build their next generation of aircraft, the benefits of FRT will make these materials an increasingly obvious choice for crafting larger and more complex components.

Manufacturing Challenges for Large Thermoplastic Components

The aerospace industry’s increasing adoption of Thermoplastic Composite Materials (TPC) for large-scale applications presents unique manufacturing challenges. Despite the advantages of TPC, several key challenges must be navigated to realize their full potential in aerospace manufacturing.

A. Transition from Traditional Materials

  1. Cost Considerations: Initially, TPCs were deemed too expensive for large-scale applications, limited to smaller components. However, material and processing advances have made them more viable, albeit still more expensive than thermoset (TS) composites and some metals​​​​.

  2. Certification and Validation: The aerospace industry requires rigorous testing and validation for safety standards. TPC, being relatively new compared to TS materials, faces challenges in certification. Only a limited number of TPC materials have achieved certification by the National Center for Advanced Material Performance (NCAMP), which is essential for broader adoption​​.

B. Manufacturing Process Challenges

  1. Autoclave Curing vs. In-Situ Curing: Traditional TS parts require curing in an autoclave, a process that consumes significant time, energy, and resources. TPC offers an advantage with the potential for in-situ curing during assembly, reducing bottlenecks associated with autoclave curing​​​​.

  2. Refrigeration and Shelf Life of Prepregs: TS prepregs require refrigeration and have a shorter shelf life compared to TPC, which can be stored at room temperature. This difference adds logistical challenges in the supply chain management for TS materials​​.

  3. Modular Assembly and Weldability: TPC enables the manufacturing of components with fewer pieces and steps, improving the buy-to-fly ratio. The ability to weld TPC parts rather than joining them with fasteners or adhesives saves weight and simplifies manufacturing processes. This weldability is crucial for TPC's growing adoption and is conducive to modular assembly processes​​.

C. Design Flexibility and Application Challenges

  1. Complex Shapes and Modular Design: TPC offers flexibility in creating contoured designs and complex shapes, ideal for circular or tubular structures. This adaptability is essential for applications like large air intake bulkheads in aircraft engines. The modular design approach enabled by TPC allows for more flexibility in outfitting aircraft interiors​​.

  2. Application in eVTOL Aircraft: TPC is increasingly popular for electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, where speed and cost-efficiency in manufacturing are critical. These materials offer toughness and damage resistance, essential for components like propeller blades, which endure significant stress​​.

Innovations in Automated Fiber Placement

AFP has revolutionized aerospace manufacturing, combining automation's precision with the strength of composite materials. This section explores how AFP innovations have enhanced aerospace component manufacturing.

A. Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

  1. Complex Geometries and Precision: AFP enables the fabrication of large, complex geometries with high precision, essential for structural components like fuselage skins and panels. Notable examples include the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787, where AFP enhances structural integrity and reduces weight​​.

  2. Versatility in Component Manufacturing: AFP is instrumental in constructing critical wing components such as spars, ribs, and wing boxes. It simplifies manufacturing substantial parts, crucial for fuel storage and aerodynamics​​.

B. Engine and Control Components

  1. Enhanced Engine Components: The precision of AFP is vital for engine components like fan blades and nacelles, integral to engine thrust and heat resistance necessary for modern jet engines​​.

  2. Lightweight Control Surfaces: AFP is used to manufacture control surfaces (flaps, ailerons, spoilers) due to its ability to create lightweight yet strong composite structures, leading to better aerodynamic efficiency and weight reduction​​.

C. Rotorcraft and Spacecraft Applications

  1. Rotorcraft Blade Manufacturing: The precise alignment of fibers by AFP is essential for rotor blades' strength and performance in rotorcraft, indicating its potential for applications like rotor cowls​​​​.

  2. Space Exploration: In space exploration, AFP is crucial for constructing high-strength, lightweight launch vehicle components and satellite structural components, suggesting significant potential for next-generation satellites​​​​.

D. Specialty Aerospace Applications

  1. Optimized Structural Components: AFP optimizes the structural weight of components like access panels and doors without compromising strength, enhancing production efficiency​​.

  2. Environmental Control Systems: The technology's superior quality extends to manufacturing air ducts for environmental control systems, showcasing its potential for precision manufacturing​​.

  3. Communication Systems: Radomes, crucial for protecting radar antennae, benefit from AFP's precision, producing high-strength components for critical communication systems​​.

E. Future Prospects

The transformative impact of AFP in aerospace is profound, playing a crucial role in the evolution of aerospace engineering. Its potential expansion into new materials and applications promises to redefine aircraft and spacecraft design boundaries, positioning AFP as a key enabler for future aerospace ambitions​​.

Case Studies and Real-World Applications

A. Collins Aerospace's Thermoplastic Composite Nacelles

  1. Overview: Collins Aerospace, a leading aerospace and defense industry supplier, has made significant advancements in aeroengine nacelles, thermoplastic composites, and pylons. They have supplied over 40,000 nacelles for various commercial and military programs, including nearly 20,000 for Airbus​​.

  2. Pathfinder Project for TPC Nacelles: Collins Aerospace is developing a 2-meter-diameter fan cowl for a narrowbody aircraft engine nacelle as a pathfinder project. This project aims to demonstrate large, curved AFP and welded structures for next-generation aircraft​​.

  3. Innovation and History: Tracing back to Fred Rohr, who founded Rohr Aircraft Corp. and made significant contributions to aeroengine nacelles, Collins Aerospace continues this legacy of innovation. Their Riverside facility, opened in 1952 by Rohr Aircraft, now houses a pilot production line for thermoplastic composite (TPC) aerostructures​​.

  4. Technological Advancements: The project involves making large skins using AFP, stamp forming hat stiffeners, and welding these components into an integrated structure. This process is supported by knowledge-based digital tools, targeting a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 6 in the next two years​​.

  5. Manufacturing and Design Challenges: The project required overcoming numerous challenges, such as AFP large curved skins with integrated lightning strike protection and induction welding of stamped stiffeners. The goal is to achieve the largest TPC part made with AFP that will actually fly​​.

  6. Sustainability and Recycling Efforts: Collins Aerospace is also focusing on sustainability, participating in various projects and consortia for recycling thermoplastic composite materials. This includes the development of new TPC technology for liquid hydrogen tanks for more sustainable future aircraft​​.

B. Broader Applications and Future Prospects

  1. Beyond Single-Aisle Aircraft: Collins Aerospace's technologies are not limited to single-aisle commercial aircraft but extend to other markets, including defense, business aviation, and space systems. The versatility of TPC materials in impact and chemical resistance opens up numerous possibilities across different business units within Collins​​.

  2. Industry-Wide Impact: Collins Aerospace's work in TPC technologies aims to reduce weight, fuel burn, and improve acoustics for future aircraft. They are an active participant in industry collaborations focused on advancing these technologies for more sustainable aviation​​.

The Future of Aerospace Manufacturing

The aerospace industry is on the cusp of transformative changes, driven by technological advancements and the need for sustainable operations. Here are key trends shaping the future of aerospace manufacturing:

  1. Sustainability: Growing concerns about climate change are pushing the aerospace sector to reduce its carbon footprint. Innovations like biofuels and electric flight technology are aiding this transition, aiming to cut down on carbon emissions and fuel costs​​.

  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is set to revolutionize aerospace by automating manual processes, eliminating human errors, and providing critical insights into data. This will optimize routes, asset utilization, and improve fuel efficiency, thereby enhancing both manned and unmanned flight operations​​.

  3. Digitization: The integration of digital technologies and smart factories is crucial for efficient production and faster design-to-delivery processes. Digitization is not only making supply chains more efficient but also advancing spacecraft and aircraft operational systems through digital twins, advanced analytics, and streamlined communication​​.

  4. Additive Manufacturing: Once limited to non-essential parts, additive manufacturing is now a key technology in aerospace, especially with advances in metal 3D printing. It offers cost-effective low-volume production and enables the rapid development of prototypes with smarter, lighter materials​​.

  5. Advanced Satellite Technology: The increasing affordability and importance of satellite launches are driving the aerospace sector. Satellite miniaturization, the need for global connectivity, and additive manufacturing are playing pivotal roles in optimizing satellite production and enabling in-orbit services​​.

What's Next!

Discover the future of composite manufacturing with Addcomposites! Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Stay Informed: Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates, news, and developments in AFP systems and services. Knowledge is power, and by staying informed, you'll always have the upper hand. Subscribe Now

  2. Experience Our Technology: Try our cutting-edge simulation software for a firsthand experience of the versatility and capability of our AFP systems. You'll see how our technology can transform your production line. Try Simulation

  3. Join the Collaboration: Engage with us and other technical centers across various industries. By joining this collaborative platform, you'll get to share ideas, innovate, and influence the future of AFP. Join Collaboration

  4. Get Hands-On: Avail our educational rentals for university projects or semester-long programs. Experience how our AFP systems bring about a revolution in composite manufacturing and leverage this opportunity for academic and research pursuits. Request for Educational Rental

  5. Take the Next Step: Request a quotation for our AFP systems. Whether you're interested in the AFP-XS, AFP-X, or SCF3D, we are committed to offering cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs. Take the plunge and prepare your production line for the next generation of composite manufacturing. Request Quotation

At Addcomposites, we are dedicated to revolutionizing composite manufacturing. Our AFP systems and comprehensive support services are waiting for you to harness. So, don't wait – get started on your journey to the future of manufacturing today!


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